Work With Sahmura
Based out of NYC, Sahmura provides in-person and remote services for both
personal training and health coaching.
In-Person Training
Your program begins with a consultation and assessment to create a customized program that takes into consideration your current condition, your specific health and fitness goals, and any special circumstances.
Strength Training
Behavior Change Coaching
Optional Nutritional & Lifestyle Coaching
60 Min. Sessions
Online Remote Training
Your program begins the same way an in-person session would start, with a consultation to create a program that takes into consideration your current health condition and your health and fitness goals.
Customized 4 Week Training Block Program That Fits Your Schedule
Biweekly Video Call Check-ins
Email Support & Exercise Video Submission and Feedback
Optional Nutritional & Lifestyle Coaching
Integrative Health coaching
Coaching helps facilitate behavior change in a structured, supportive partnership between you and your coach. IHC looks at the whole person and overall wellness and to help you clarify and realize your optimal health vision. Coaching will:
Help you to identify obstacles to change and create strategies for moving forward
Support you in tracking your weekly progress and hold you accountable for your commitments
30-45 min, Weekly or Biweekly